What a place it was to stop in Baarsetoya, we had to really make a tough decision to leave it was so lovely especially in the beautiful flat calm weather. The views from the pontoon over looking the islets and fjord sheltered from the majority of the houses and industry really gave you the feeling of being right in the centre of nature. We had two other boats join us while we were there, according to the man off one of the boats we were very lucky to have it so quite, weekends especially can see the place packed, with boats rafting up, and in such a lovely place why not!
Killer whale in the bay!! |
Stunning night |
The only thing we would have changed about Baarsetoya - the midges! Yes, we are afraid the infamous Norwegian midge season has started! No going north or south will help us, must get the insect blinds for the door and hatch sorted. We have heard it said they can literally drive you mad, and if we weren't already mad at the beginning of summer we likely will be by the end! So far we are testing the theory that Avon moisturiser is the secret weapon against them, if it fails, well at least we will have healthy looking skin!!

We left Baarsetoya this evening just around 8pm and began heading along the fjord, we decided as we were passing to pull in and have a look at Keikos memorial, Keiko being the killer whale that was 'Willy' in the movie Free Willy. Keiko had been released in to the wild in Iceland before departing Icelandic waters with wild Orcas. In 2002 however he was spotted in Norwegian waters and seemed to seek human interaction more than whale. In 2003 Keiko died of pneumonia in Taknes bay and was then buried. So that's where we are, tied to the pontoon for tourists visiting the memorial, although it sounds as though there are less and less visitors each year.
Now we are cooking a late tea and enjoying the scenery, its beautiful weather still and as yet the midges haven't found us!!
In Taknes Bay |
Keiko memorial with Quickstep in the background |
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