Friday 21 April 2017

The end of Papay Arctic Adventure 2

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The Queens 90th birthday beacon in Unst

One year ago today we were standing in the north of Unst, Shetland around a huge bonfire in celebration of the Queens 90th Birthday. We were discreetly hopeful as we watched a possible weather window for a crossing to Norway, but as with anything at sea, there are no certainties.
Just a few days later though, we set off from Baltasound, heading East towards Norway. A stressful 23hours later we stood on Norwegian soil for the first time since summer 2014. 

The mixed emotions following the crossing didn't dampen our good cheer at being back in the land we fell in love with just 2 years prior. With every day we have travelled the stunning coast we have felt truly privileged, as we mentioned recently in another blog post we had already been feeling upset that our Norwegian adventure was in its closing months. 

Having sold our house earlier this year we were in the process of buying another house, this also meant we were feeling pressurised to rush the last part of the adventure in Norway. Through unforeseen circumstances the house purchase fell through. 

A few frank talks later and we decided that as we are so fond of Norway why not do all that we can to spend more time here. So, having gone through the immigration process we are thrilled to announce we have bought a house in Norway!! We haven't been sitting on this information for very long, its been a bit of whirlwind of impulsive decisions, but that's what life is about....

We are very excited about our next adventure living and working in Norway. Nonetheless we would be lying to say this doesn't come with it's own upsets. For one we are very sad to not be able to (this year anyway....) explore again on our way south, drawing Papay Arctic Adventure part 2 to an early close is a regretful sacrifice for us. 

On the other hand we have a huge amount to be excited about and while we might not be able to carry on as far south as Bergen this year we will explore the more immediate surroundings this summer. For the future we are in the perfect location to travel further north or south, by sea and land. 

Over the next few days we will move the boat to our new home where we have already reserved a permanent marina berth for our loyal home of the last year... we will be sure to raise a glass on the 28th, Quicksteps 1 year anniversary of arriving in Norway, a day that shaped our future no doubt. 

So, a rather more abrupt end to PAA2 than we would have ever believed stood around the bonfire on Unst, but while this might be the closing of one adventure it is the opening of another....And so begins Papay Arctic Adventure Part 3!

Thank you to all you amazing people who have followed our adventure from all corners of the globe, its been a great support.
We will update the facebook and blog every now and again with our other explorations!

Papay Arctic Adventure 3 begins... new bikes for the next adventures


  1. Congratulations, sounds like a plan to me. So glad you are happy.

  2. Fantastic! Where is your house? Is it in Harstad? More Orcadian Norwegians!!

  3. Fantastic for yous. Congratulations. All I have is post Friday Papay Pizza night flatulations and a true sense of selfish sadness that we won't see much of you for...... how long? We miss you, oh, and the Beemer needs a serious fuel leak issue attending to, Daniel. Mr Elves might have a look at it but it won't be the same as having you as our alcoholical, mechanical, technical guardian angel. And you, Amanda, how selfish to go off and have a good time with all these adventures and leave us here with nothing but your erudite, superbly worded, colourful facebook and bloggy thing posts. I noticed on one of my rare forays to Papay shop today that there are two very lonely looking bottles of 'Mickey Fynn' and some vile chocolatey thing you used to refresh yourselves with, just sitting, unwanted on the top shelf. They're probably already way past their sell-by date, but who's going to do the decent thing and make sure they're not a loss maker for the Coop? Not me me I'm afraid. Even I have standards. Oh, dear God, it's been a very strange year, Brexit, Trump, and now, you two depatriating. Does this mean we'll have to come to the frozen climes of Scandinavia to see you both and spend all our life savings on a round of celebratory drinks? Do you need a refurb on the wheelhouse? Or is it, like Mickey, past its sell-by date? Have yourselves a veritable smörgåsbord of life experiences and come back and see us some time or we may even have to come and see you. Bonne chance, buena suerte and good luck. P & M xx

    1. Ah Paul, we can always count on you to outshine our blog with a perfect comment... any reply we would try to muster would have no hope. So, to cut things short... The invitation to Norway is very much open ended, we advise you to take advantage of this, would be great to see you both! Thankfully you won't need to smuggle in the last two bottles of mickey Finn as we have hunted high and low to find it in the local Government run liquor store, the Norwegian Government has therefore excelled itself in our eyes! If or should I say when you jump aboard the Norwegian airlines we will be sure to get a bottle in and take you via the local building merchants en route to some last ditch wheelhouse restoration! Love to you both

  4. Congratulations! The story of PAA becomes more adventurous with each new chapter! Tell us more, tell us more!

    1. Thank you! We are very excited about it all and a little shocked, we certainly didn't realise this was on the cards when we were in Molde! We will post another update when we arrive in what will be Quicksteps permanent berth hopefully in the next couple of days. The house was very much a spur of the moment decision but when we were standing outside it looking at the view we knew we couldn't resist!
