Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Sunny days!!

We can't quite believe that today for the first time in weeks the sun rose in Harstad, not that you would have known it due to the thick snow for the 57mins it was above the horizon. We won't be seeing the full circle of the sun for another couple of weeks yet but can expect the days to really lengthen from now on.
Ice on the inside of the window

Condensation freezing on the inside of the porthole

Patterns in the inside of the window

Frozen closed.

It has warmed up since our last post when the temperature was -18C, mind you we are still just below freezing. The change in weather has brought with it fresh snow, plenty of the stuff!! On our walk to the library we passed a Nursery School, the kids were all out enjoying the snow. It's funny how different countries cope differently, this much snow in the UK and schools would be closed, certainly kids wouldn't be allowed in the playground! We suppose if the schools here were to close with every bluster of snow like in the UK winter would be one long holiday. We would have loved to have seen snow like this when we were younger, especially at the age where slipping over didn't hurt and hands never seemed to get cold making snowballs!!
Snow falling in the marina

Amazing that anything survives the snow fall

Retracing steps is much easier at this time of year, finding paths to begin with isn't so easy though!

Looking over Hagan

Beyond the playgrounds the daily snow clearance continues, not just by homeowners clearing their drives and gardens but also the roads are continuously being ploughed and tractors with large snow blowers throw the snow on to the verges (or for some unlucky homeowners, in to their freshly cleared gardens!). The pavements and roads whilst being cleared daily still have a thick layer of compacted snow/ice on them which will remain until the temperatures climb above freezing for a few days on end.

Harstad centre taken from the communications tower

The forecast for the next few days is looking to be quite calm and so we plan to venture off for a night or two, perhaps Kjøtta or Bjarkøy.
Well we better get going back to our own snow clearing aboard, at only 23ft clearing the deck doesn't take too long, one of the few advantages on living on a tiny boat for winter!!
Snow falling, makes for poor visibility

Road clearing machinery

Road clearing, a full time job!

Lone boat in Harstad centre

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