Friday 8 August 2014

Finishing the adventure

With the weather set to deteriorate over the following days we decided to attempt the final leg of the adventure to Papay. Saying our goodbyes we headed in to a less forgiving sea and battled through waves and swell, in waves that entirely swallows the boat she suddenly felt like a very small boat. Aiming for papay with the promise of calmer seas we went on and as Shetland and Foula disappeared in to the clouds Fair Isle was visible for just a matter of minutes. We were not alone at the sea though and we saw ship after ship as we narrowed down on the small dot of landscape we couldn't make out where it was but we knew it had to be orkney. As land seperated from sea and sea from sky we could make out Papay! A mixture of excitement and sadness came over us. The steady 10knot journey had taken almost 6 hours and we were lucky that the sea flattened down near the end and we could get around 18knots comfortably. Pulling round the corner of the Holm of Papay we saw people waving and with banners at the pier. An amazing welcome back home we were greeted with champagne and familiar friendly faces. A fittingly beautiful end to a beautiful journey. As Sun set on Papay we were reminded of all those who had helped make the journey possible, our sponsors, our friends and family. The people on Papay who have given their time,skills and support in so many ways in which has helped us massively. We are home, but we will be back Norway, as soon as we can! Photos to follow....

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